Embrace the simplicity of nature with our organic-style bouquet. This new collection emphasizes our signature green, complemented by our florist’s color pick of the day. Each arrangement is a delightful surprise, always evolving while maintaining our distinctive style.
All bouquets are wrapped in a timeless, classic French style.
Photo shown: Standard Classic Size
Approx Size: Small: 20cm (W) x 30cm (H)
Approx Size: Classic 30cm (W) x 40cm (H)
Approx Size: Large 40cm (W) x 50cm (H)
Ethereal Meadow
While we endeavour to meet your specific requirements, however, flowers are seasonal and we reserve the right to make substitutions at our own discretion.
Our arrangements are made by hand and organic in nature. There may be slight variations such as colours/size & blooms between the image featured on the website and the floral arrangement received.
b.fleurette reserves full rights to accept or decline any purchase made by both individual or corporation.