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A red roses bouquet is a stunning and romantic choice for any special occasion. It is a classic gift that conveys love, passion, beauty, and admiration. This beautiful bouquet of red roses will bring joy and happiness to any recipient with its bright and vibrant blooms. The lush and velvety petals of the roses are a symbol of beauty and love that will last for days.


Presented in a sustainable holder and wrapped in eco-friendly bioplastic to keep the stems hydrated.


*PS This collection focuses on the importance of using Eco-friendly and biodegradable materials for wrapping and gifting, giving its customers the chance to minimize their enviromental footprint. Serving as the perfect expression of this commitment of sustainability is our signature sustainable paper flower tote bag.


Approx Size: 20cm (W) x 50cm (H)

Crimson Romance | Signature

  • While we endeavour to meet your specific requirements, however, flowers are seasonal and we reserve the right to make substitutions at our own discretion.Our arrangements are made by hand and organic in nature. There may be slight variations such as colours/size & blooms between the image featured on the website and the floral arrangement received.

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